

I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I swear we're having an Earthquake here ... started at 10am ish went on for about 40seconds and now again at 10.15 there is more shaking.

No, it's not heavy trucks or anything like that and I'm right on the coast ... and it is a terrace, not a house. No major works of anything near either.

Weired. :confused:
How strange :confused: We had some earthquakes in Manchester about 2 years ago, enough to make a glass fall off my window sill.

Not exactly much, but very unusual for the UK nonetheless!

I'll keep an eye on the BBC site and see if anything comes up :)
We had some tremors down here a couple of weeks ago, we get them every so often but not frequently, been a L-O-N-G time since our last big one, but, since we do have a fault line running the length of the country it probably would be sensible to do as the govt sez & bolt the bookcases etc to the walls. It's one of them "keep meaning to get around to it someday" type things but really I shouldn't be complacent. In general no one's expecting a natural disaster before it happens.

It sounds likely what you're experiencing is a tremor mucks. Most probably the epicenter is located off-shore. Chances are it's just the planet grumbling a bit, but, as chris says, our planet has been pretty active this last couple of years. Might be an idea to shift any stuff that is precious & breakable off the shelves for a couple of weeks just to be on the safe side.