I am hoping one you of you extremely clever types can start me on an
Excel journey. I have been tasked with preparing a 'best of day/month'
sales sheet covering 24 stores in my locale. The problem I have is how
to formulate a ranking process i.e
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 etc.
Store Daily Rank Margin % Rank Turn $ Rank
I need to rank each aspect, weighting certain areas (x 2), and then
give an overall sort by best standing. My problem is how to
differentiate the rank of each column from highest to lowest. Once I
sort that out, I need to award a rank position in the following column,
sort out the ranking of the next column, rank accordingly until at the
end I can sort by total ranking points each days overall best store.
This cannot be as difficult as seems to me, but in all honesty, my
brain is in fade mode and I cannot see a solution.
I would be much obliged if someone can point me in the right
Many thanks in advance
Keith C
I am hoping one you of you extremely clever types can start me on an
Excel journey. I have been tasked with preparing a 'best of day/month'
sales sheet covering 24 stores in my locale. The problem I have is how
to formulate a ranking process i.e
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 etc.
Store Daily Rank Margin % Rank Turn $ Rank
I need to rank each aspect, weighting certain areas (x 2), and then
give an overall sort by best standing. My problem is how to
differentiate the rank of each column from highest to lowest. Once I
sort that out, I need to award a rank position in the following column,
sort out the ranking of the next column, rank accordingly until at the
end I can sort by total ranking points each days overall best store.
This cannot be as difficult as seems to me, but in all honesty, my
brain is in fade mode and I cannot see a solution.
I would be much obliged if someone can point me in the right
Many thanks in advance
Keith C