Roland Stiner said:
I renewed my license on line last night for the E-Trust Antivius but they
did not send my new license number. Is this a common problem with them?
Worse yet, they do not reply to e-mail and they don't have a telephone
number. Is there any customer service at all?
Not sure.....I have renewed mine twice at least and got the information
right away. But my infamous brother-in-law......he who puts a whole new
slant on computer illiterate......paid for it and couldn't download it. His
subsequent *many* (he fibs too, probably just one) emails to EZ Trust
support were not returned he said......but if true, they are slipping badly.
So said BIL has now found a 'really nice tech' at McAfee who explained
things to him 'simply' (he accuses me of confusing him, so I pity that
McAfee tech, grin).......and he bought their antivirus program. (he had a 3
month trial on there that he hated.....prior to this really nice tech.)
Oh yes......they told him he had a load of trojans on his old computer coz
he used EZ Trust......funny, I don't have any. Wonder what sites he has
been looking at.....LOL!!
Epistle for Feb. 11...had to get it in before midnight, grin.