Let me see if I can be of help in setting you up with this feature.
Can you outline the steps that you are doing to connect to the Email
marketing Service ?
Can you open
http://lb.service.microsoft.com/ from your client using a
browser and ensure that you can connect to this website?
If you can do that ,Close and reopen outlook and try to use Marketing
campaign and verify if you succeed
If you still fail,
Enable Logging (Click Help Menu - About Microsoft Business Contact Manager
For Outlook - There is a check box that says Enable logging , Check the
Repeat the operation.
And provide us with the contents of the logging file after you do your
operation, so that we can understand the problem better.The log file is at
C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Local Settings\Temp and is called
Also let us know the the passport Id that you are using?