
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score

I sent you a reply to the messege that you asked me about where I have reviewed for before. I think the email went into your bulk/spam box like my first one because I haven't reviewed a reply in 2 weeks. it is from (e-mail address removed)
I've just checked my inbox and not received any e-mail, but I think I know what caused it. If you sent it from your gmail account that you signed up with it may have been blocked by the DNS blacklisting service that the anti-spam software I use links with.

I disabled the DNS blacklist about 2 weeks ago after one of our other members (Quadophile) had the same problem as I didn't receive the e-mail. If you send it now I should get it :)
do you mind if i just send you it through here? Unless it ever gets personal. Because here, it is stable. I sent you an extremely long email that took a while to type but i'm kind of lazy to redo it :D

First, I am in the U.S. Well, to answer the my other reviews, I have worked on Bjorn3d.net and Bjorn3d.com I think you have seen a few of mine most likely as you have some links on the homepage of pcreview linked to good reviews at other website (note* I have an idea for that) and when you put up the 7800GS AGP, I wrote part of that. Along with the x1900xt review. I am always been sub-researcher because no one ever gave me a chance to be a main reviewer. here are the links:
http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=867 (x1900xt)
Author: (e-mail address removed)
subwritten by me (I did all the research, no credit, lol!)
http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=872 (7800gs AGP)
Author: Scott Sherman (stole it all the credit because he added the pictures!)
subwritten by me

Those were my most recent ones. Please don't forget about me because I was a sub-author. I do good research and html encoding and I keep my language clean. I want to work with review.co.uk as my first place to be a real reviewer. I specifically want to work in the reviews part that are really PART of the website under the drop down list. Not those links to other websites. I am good with gaming hardware (Extreme Motherboards, Superpowered VideoCards, Fast Ram) and realistic computer parts (ones that the public could afford) and "Do It Yourself" tutorials like "how to build a computer" and "how to tweak x"
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pilotcs said:
do you mind if i just send you it through here? Unless it ever gets personal. Because here, it is stable. I sent you an extremely long email that took a while to type but i'm kind of lazy to redo it :D

Sure thats fine :) Use the Private Messaging link to send me a PM on here!
OK, got the e-mail now (and just seen it above) :)
do you have msn messenger or yahoo or aim? could you give me it, I really want to easily speak to you/ faster! lol. Or if you don't want any strangers seeing it and then spamming you, pm me or email me your SN for what ever messenger you use