I just got a new computer 3 weeks ago and updated my resume. I did it from
scratch because I couldn't figure out how to use the templates, and I didn't
care for any offered anyway. I created it as a word document but when I send
it through e-mail the format is nothing like my original document. It is all
out of allignment. If I try to copy and paste it the bullets will not appear.
I lost my job 2 months ago so this is an immense issue for me. Can anyone
advise me what I need to do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
scratch because I couldn't figure out how to use the templates, and I didn't
care for any offered anyway. I created it as a word document but when I send
it through e-mail the format is nothing like my original document. It is all
out of allignment. If I try to copy and paste it the bullets will not appear.
I lost my job 2 months ago so this is an immense issue for me. Can anyone
advise me what I need to do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.