


can't open any mail attachments, get message: "OE removed
access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail"
then mail subject is listed. Not convienced tahr ALL mail
has unsafe attachments. Then too, who/what is OE?


Hi Art,

Go to tools>options>security tab and un-check the box that says, "Do not
allow attachments".


Rocket J. Squirrel

My friend, OE stands for Outlook Express. That's the email program that
comes standard with Windows XP. (You're free to install a different email
program if you prefer.) If you have antivirus software automatically running
in the background then you can tell Outlook Express to let you see any
attachment you like. Simply open Outlook Express, head over to Tools -
Options - Security tab and remove the checkmark from "Do not allow
attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus."



-----Original Message-----
can't open any mail attachments, get message: "OE removed
access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail"
then mail subject is listed. Not convienced tahr ALL mail
has unsafe attachments. Then too, who/what is OE?
Try getting rid of your firewall. If you don't know how
or what a firewall is check around the site. Most
importantly, contact your internet provider.

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