e-mail notofications

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stefi
  • Start date Start date


Supervisors of this forum should take some measures in order to make e-mail
notifications work again!
Supervisors of this forum should take some measures in order to make e-mail
notifications work again!

Something is going wrong with this forum. I clicked General comment
for Microsoft when posting the previous message, but it was neglected.
I'm 1001% behind you on this one!! eMail notifications stopped WEEKS ago, or
so it seems. I've had to keep a record of all my posts (yeah, search for my
posts sucks - doesn't return all, returns in random order: needs to return
ALL and needs to return sorted by date, most recent at the top) so that I can
try to revisit them for followup action. I'm sure I've missed some, and that
is short-changing the people who come to these forums for assistance and
expecting to actually get some.
Does anybody know the person's name and e-mail address responsible for
running this forum? I'm pretty sure that if he/she received some hundred
e-mails daily urging fixing this bug, it would speed up the repairing process.

„JLatham†ezt írta:
I assume that your question is about the Microsoft Discussions Group web
interface, rather than the usenet newsgroup? Many of us would recommend
avoiding the MS web interface, and accessing the newsgroup directly.
I assume that your question is about the Microsoft Discussions Group web
interface, rather than the usenet newsgroup?   Many of us would recommend
avoiding the MS web interface, and accessing the newsgroup directly.
David Biddulph

- Show quoted text -

Thanks David for your suggestion, I've created a gmail account in
order to make use of its Usenet group facility (I'm writing this
message from this group) but I'm still struggling with setting my
account to automatically display warnings if new message arrived in a
thread I'm interested in.

Any advice?
