Nathan said:
I am a relatively cluless computer user who has to use the internet a
great deal for Law School, the problem is I use AOL for my e-mail and
I hate it, it does not work with Outlook and it just isn't very good
for me. I was wondering if anyone could suggest an e-mail service
that works with Outlook and is easy to learn to use. In your
reccommendation I would appreciate instructions concerning how to
subcribe or a web site where I could read about it. Thanks for any
You're intelligent enough to attend law school, yet you're using AOHELL.
Somewhat of a contradiction there somewhere...No matter, it's simple enough
to rectify.
1) Take the AOHELL CD
2) If you are old enough to drive, and have a licence, place it in the
middle of the drive and back over it several times.
3) If you are not old enough to drive - or don't have a licence - place
said CD in the microwave and cook on full power for a couple of minutes - it
really is fascinating, and most satisfying, to watch.
4) Place resulting mess in the rubbish
5) Pick up the phone, call AOHELL 'Customer Service' and tell them you
wish to cancel your account.
6) Ask people for recommendations for a proper ISP.
7) Call new ISP of choice and sign up.
There! Problem solved.
Unfortunately, removing AOHELL's trojanic software will, most likely,
require a complete format and reinstall.