I often get e-mails with attachments that are jpg's or jpeg's. I download and
open them and its a picture or image. At the bottom of the e-mail there is
often a left and right arrow to go to the next image. If I continue, I see
images that have nothing to do with the e-mail. They are from another e-mail
or a site I've previously visited. Sometimes I don't even recognize the item
as something I've seen before. If I forward the e-mail and then I go to my
"sent" e-mails, and open them the same thing happens. This is scary, as some
of the stuff is personal, some is probably not suitable for kids and some I
don't even recognize. The question is, "Did this unintended bunch of images
get forwarded with my fwd'd e-mail or is it part of my c-drive or what?
Also, How can I prevent this from happening again? It takes me 10 min
sometimes to delete all the extraneous unintended images and then to clean
out my recycle bin. Please help thanks, use basic wording as you can see,
I'm a komuterklutz. I believe it may have something to do with picture and
fax viewer as that is often the title at the top after I've deleted an image.
open them and its a picture or image. At the bottom of the e-mail there is
often a left and right arrow to go to the next image. If I continue, I see
images that have nothing to do with the e-mail. They are from another e-mail
or a site I've previously visited. Sometimes I don't even recognize the item
as something I've seen before. If I forward the e-mail and then I go to my
"sent" e-mails, and open them the same thing happens. This is scary, as some
of the stuff is personal, some is probably not suitable for kids and some I
don't even recognize. The question is, "Did this unintended bunch of images
get forwarded with my fwd'd e-mail or is it part of my c-drive or what?
Also, How can I prevent this from happening again? It takes me 10 min
sometimes to delete all the extraneous unintended images and then to clean
out my recycle bin. Please help thanks, use basic wording as you can see,
I'm a komuterklutz. I believe it may have something to do with picture and
fax viewer as that is often the title at the top after I've deleted an image.