E-mail address for Microsoft Hotfixes?



Does anyone have an e-mail address to e-mail Microsoft for hotixes? I have
tried doing an e-mail request but when I put in my PID it says I should
contact my computer manufacturer. Does anyone have a direct e-mail address I
can use at all? If not, I suppose I will have to ring them, it just seems
silly because all it's for is a hotfix.




sparkes said:
Does anyone have an e-mail address to e-mail Microsoft for hotixes? I
have tried doing an e-mail request but when I put in my PID it says I
should contact my computer manufacturer. Does anyone have a direct
e-mail address I can use at all? If not, I suppose I will have to
ring them, it just seems silly because all it's for is a hotfix.

Welcome to the insanity that is Microsoft, where no policy makes sense.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Welcome to the insanity that is Microsoft, where no policy makes sense.

You need to call them so they can confirm that you actually need the
hotfix. Hotfixes by their very nature are somewhat untested and aplpy
only in very particular circumstances.

Tom Pepper Willett

sparkes: The only way they issue hotfixes is if you phone them.

| Does anyone have an e-mail address to e-mail Microsoft for hotixes? I have
| tried doing an e-mail request but when I put in my PID it says I should
| contact my computer manufacturer. Does anyone have a direct e-mail address
| can use at all? If not, I suppose I will have to ring them, it just seems
| silly because all it's for is a hotfix.
| Thanks,
| Steve


Sparkes, at the top of your All Programs list in the start menu,
you should see Windows Update.
Just click on it .
It should take you to the update site where they will search your computer
for Critical Updates.
This is where the Hot fixes come from.
The will down load and install them for you.

Tom Pepper Willett

Not the hot fixes.

| Sparkes, at the top of your All Programs list in the start menu,
| you should see Windows Update.
| Just click on it .
| It should take you to the update site where they will search your computer
| for Critical Updates.
| This is where the Hot fixes come from.
| The will down load and install them for you.
| | > Does anyone have an e-mail address to e-mail Microsoft for hotixes? I
| > tried doing an e-mail request but when I put in my PID it says I should
| > contact my computer manufacturer. Does anyone have a direct e-mail
| > I
| > can use at all? If not, I suppose I will have to ring them, it just
| > silly because all it's for is a hotfix.
| >
| > Thanks,
| >
| > Steve

Bob I

The part below about calling is what you need to do. And only ask for
the hotfix, any extra questions trip the money machine.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support
Services to obtain the hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product
Support Services phone numbers and information about support costs,
visit the following Microsoft Web site:


That is why you need to phone them. They will verify with you that all
conditions are being experienced befor issuing the hotfix. They also keep
track of how many they issue. The fix may end up as an update in the

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