Does anybody know how to fix my problem, any ideas greatly
I have recntly moved to Dubai in the UAE and have brought
my PC from the UK. I can receive e mails ok, but it is not
letting me send any out, I have even tried to set up a new
account through Yahoo but the problem is the same, it is
giving me this error message when I try to send mail;
The message could not be sent because the server rejected
the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address
was '(e-mail address removed)'. Subject 'srhstbnsbsdg',
Account: 'pop.mail.yahoo.uk',
Server: 'smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '530 authentication required - for help go to
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/pop/pop-11.html', Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 530, Error Number:
I have recntly moved to Dubai in the UAE and have brought
my PC from the UK. I can receive e mails ok, but it is not
letting me send any out, I have even tried to set up a new
account through Yahoo but the problem is the same, it is
giving me this error message when I try to send mail;
The message could not be sent because the server rejected
the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address
was '(e-mail address removed)'. Subject 'srhstbnsbsdg',
Account: 'pop.mail.yahoo.uk',
Server: 'smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '530 authentication required - for help go to
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/pop/pop-11.html', Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 530, Error Number: