Using Office 03 how do you e-mail only the slide show portion of a power
point presentation?
point presentation?
0o0o0 yes - just experimented and you can open a .pps to edit by right
My understanding is that there is altogether one file. PPS is the "slide
show" mode i.e. ONE view of the file. There is no "compilation" between
..ppt and .pps. PPT is not the source code and PPS is not the object code;
therefore no need to rename the extension. It's not like Cobol, RPG IV
Please correct me if I am wrong.
A simple question can sometimes start an interesting dialogue. Yes, I learn
something everyday. This is my favourite forum, not intimidating at all but
very friendly. This encourages learning especially when the MVP's are
seasoned professionals.
If you don't mind I have one more question.
I am curious what programming
language PPT uses.
I always like your good sense of humor. Has anyone got you a Scion yet?