Tony Johansson
Here is the question from e-learning about globalization: Which method
illustrates how to retirieve information for the current culture of the
application.(Choose all that apply)
1. Create a new instance of the CultureInfo class, and instansiate it with
no values specified in the constructor.
2. Use CurrentCulture property of the CurrentThread property of the Thread
3. Create a new instance of the CultureInfo class, and use an invariant
4. Create an instance of the CultureInfo class using a specific culture, and
check the CurrentCulture property.
According to e-learning is the correct answer. 2 and 4.
I can easy understand that 2 is the correct answer.
I might select 4 as an alternative if I had understood this alternative.
So can someone explain what they mean with this alternative 4
Here is the question from e-learning about globalization: Which method
illustrates how to retirieve information for the current culture of the
application.(Choose all that apply)
1. Create a new instance of the CultureInfo class, and instansiate it with
no values specified in the constructor.
2. Use CurrentCulture property of the CurrentThread property of the Thread
3. Create a new instance of the CultureInfo class, and use an invariant
4. Create an instance of the CultureInfo class using a specific culture, and
check the CurrentCulture property.
According to e-learning is the correct answer. 2 and 4.
I can easy understand that 2 is the correct answer.
I might select 4 as an alternative if I had understood this alternative.
So can someone explain what they mean with this alternative 4