Nomen Nescio
I require that _several_ scanners all agree before a sample is
There is only _one_ was to verify a file as viral, and yours is not it.
Your "requirement" is scientifically unsound.
There was a ruckus on DSLReports last year when a tester reported
_five_ scanners detecting a file as infected by the Magistr virus but
NOD32 reported it as clean.
It turned out the virus was inactive, i.e. not a virus by any criteria.
The five scanners were wrong, and a properly conducted test would
have penalized them for producing a false alarm.
NOD32 was right, but it was unfairly penalized because the testers
followed your flawed "several scanners all agree before a sample is
included" methodology.
No sample should be included in a testbed unless it has been tested
and replicated, preferably for 3 generations. I know you dislike the
Virus Bulletin tests, but VB is the only tester who publicly declares
it has tested and replicated _every_ sample its in testbed. For me,
VB produces the _only_ credible anti-virus test results.