E-Book readers anyone tried one ?


Sep 30, 2005
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I'm going to get one of these for me sisters 60th. Anyone got any realtime experience of using one, seen one working in a shop at a mates etc etc.

Ta in advance.

Am looking at maybe a Kindle for the missus as she reads loads. :)

Their a great idea feckit. why carry ten books when you can carry 100x more!!! ;)

I have been looking at the above as,

"The screen is very good and as it is not backlit does not tire your eyes." Taken from a comment but have read the same in several reviews.


Also looking at the above. The 2.5mm audio socket is putting me of it though.


The Sony is looking good as you get a 2 year guarantee if you buy at M+S. Only hitch is the screen suffers from a bit of glare due to the touch screen abilities.


An I would go for this but it is a bit flimsy in its construction according to the reviews. Good price though.

So which one did you try feckit an how was it for readability ?

An acquaintance in the US has a Kindle and she is delighted with it. I've liked the idea of getting an e-reader, ever since first becoming aware of the Kindle a couple of years ago. But I'm disappointed that Amazon are still not stocking them here in the UK (they have to be ordered via the American site.) :(

One of the best advantages (I've always thought) would be to be able to just pay for and download books directly to the device; no need to fiddle about, downloading a book to the PC then transferring it, etc. But, on the other hand, perhaps it would be good to have a copy stored on the PC, just in case the e-reader developed a fault(?)

Terry has offered me an e-reader as a present, on a few occasions now, but each time I've read numerous reviews, then dithered, not able to decide on which would be the best to go for!

I rather fancy having one that has a battery which would be user-replaceable. I believe Sony's offerings allow that(?) and a month or two ago, I read (yet another) review, which mentioned the Sony PRS-900, which will apparently allow downloads via 3G wireless access (AT&T Mobility) making it similar to the Kindle. But, once again, I think they have to be purchased from the US! Aarrgh! So once again, I decided to wait!!! Lol

Are you any closer to deciding yet? Certainly a very nice Birthday pressie for your sister :thumb:
The Kindle is pants as far as I am concerned, Very few formatsallowed and you are locked in.

A better bet on the USA scene IMHO is this,


Most e-readers are coming with Wi-Fi these days. An I'm leaning towards the Sony. However I'll bide me time as her birthday ain't for a month or so.

It's going to be a sympathy present as she will be fully downhill after her 60th birthday :lol:
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Abarbarian said:
It's going to be a sympathy present as she will be fully downhill after her 60th birthday :lol:

Oi. That's my next birthday :mad:

In actual fact it's all been downhill since I turned 50 :D

Guess it's time to just bide my time and die eh? :)

I will never buy one of those e-reader thingies, I just like books too much, and paper books don't elicit so much eye strain either.

Unlike newspapers and magazines, I do favour 'real' books.
You can't beat a REAL book. It's just not the same unless you're actually holding and caressing the thing ( I'm getting a bit OTT, I think :D ).
floppybootstomp said:
Oi. That's my next birthday :mad:

In actual fact it's all been downhill since I turned 50 :D

Guess it's time to just bide my time and die eh? :)


Good attitude there matey. An your forward thinking as I see you already have a coffin. :D
Abarbarian said:
The Kindle is pants as far as I am concerned, Very few formatsallowed and you are locked in.

A better bet on the USA scene IMHO is this,


Have to say the Nook does look very tasty AB. :D

Nivrip said:
You can't beat a REAL book. It's just not the same unless you're actually holding and caressing the thing

Would agree with that, but when storage space is short, it's a great way to still be able to collect books :nod: Also, I find that the larger, thicker books give me a rotten crick in the neck these days, so it would be great to be able to enjoy 'em in a slim, lightweight format. ;)