set rng = rng.SpecialCells(xlLast)
although this can overstate what you might think is the last empty row
This was posted by John Green
"The following code will find the last row and last column that contain data
on the active worksheet:"
Sub GetRealLastCell()
Dim RealLastRow As Long
Dim RealLastColumn As Long
On Error Resume Next
RealLastRow = _
Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
RealLastColumn = _
Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
Cells(RealLastRow, RealLastColumn).Select
End Sub
==< end of John's post >===
so you could modify the above to be a function
Public Function GetRealLastCell(sh As Worksheet)
Dim RealLastRow As Long
Dim RealLastColumn As Long
With sh
On Error Resume Next
RealLastRow = _
Cells.Find("*", sh.Range("A1"), , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
RealLastColumn = _
Cells.Find("*", sh.Range("A1"), , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
Set GetRealLastCell = sh.Cells(RealLastRow, RealLastColumn)
End With
End Function
This is a version posted by David Chazin with some additional error checking
Sub LastCell_Select()
'David Chazin 05-Mar-1999
'Selects the cell at the bottom-right corner of the used area
' of the currently selected worksheet.
End Sub
Function LastCell_Get() As String
'David Chazin -- September 1999.
'Returns the Address (e.g. "$AW$235") of the cell at the
' bottom-right corner of the used area of the currently
' selected worksheet. Returns "" if the worksheet is empty.
' Thanks to Dave Braden for the idea of trapping for an
' empty worksheet. (This is not the way he would implement
' it, but the idea itself is his).
On Error GoTo LastCell_Get_ErrorHandler
If Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Value <> "" Then
LastCell_Get = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Address()
LastCell_Get = _
Cells(Cells.Find("*", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell), , , _
xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row, _
Cells.Find("*", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell), , , _
xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column).Address()
End If
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 91 Then
'If the worksheet is empty....
LastCell_Get = ""
Call MsgBox("Error #" & Err.Number & " was generated by " & _
Err.Source & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, _
"LastCell_Get()", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext)
End If
End Function
Tom Ogilvy