Happy New Year 2005 to you all!
I am building an app to manage transport vehicles. I have among others
tables tblVehicles (LicensePlateNo, ChassisNo, AcquisitionDate, HorsePower),
tblRevenue (IDRevenue, DateRev, AmountRev, LicensePlate, DriverRev,
CommentsRev) and tblExpenses (IDExpenses, DateExp, AmountExp, LicensePlate,
CommentsExp). I have created a report, rptRevenue (LicensePlateNo, DateRev,
AmountRev, CommentsRev) that displays the details of income for each vehicle.
I also used the technique explained here:
http://fontstuff.com/access/acctut19.htm to dynamically filter my report to
display only records for a selected vehicle and dates between selected start
and end dates. It works great and I like the feature.
Now I want to get it to work for a report rptTransactions that has 2
subreports, rsubRevenue and rsubExpenses. It display the detailed revenue and
expenses of each vehicle.
I changed this piece of code which applies the filter to the report and
switches it on
With Reports![rptRevenue]
.filter = strFilter
.filterOn = True
End with
Into this one
With Reports![rptTransaction]![rsubRevenue]
.filter = strFilter
.filterOn = True
End with
When testing, I get a message stating that object does not support or
method. When I hit Debug the 2nd line of the code above gets highlighted.
I don't where to go from here. Can someone help? I would really appreciate.
My system runs Access 2000 and Win XP Home.
I am building an app to manage transport vehicles. I have among others
tables tblVehicles (LicensePlateNo, ChassisNo, AcquisitionDate, HorsePower),
tblRevenue (IDRevenue, DateRev, AmountRev, LicensePlate, DriverRev,
CommentsRev) and tblExpenses (IDExpenses, DateExp, AmountExp, LicensePlate,
CommentsExp). I have created a report, rptRevenue (LicensePlateNo, DateRev,
AmountRev, CommentsRev) that displays the details of income for each vehicle.
I also used the technique explained here:
http://fontstuff.com/access/acctut19.htm to dynamically filter my report to
display only records for a selected vehicle and dates between selected start
and end dates. It works great and I like the feature.
Now I want to get it to work for a report rptTransactions that has 2
subreports, rsubRevenue and rsubExpenses. It display the detailed revenue and
expenses of each vehicle.
I changed this piece of code which applies the filter to the report and
switches it on
With Reports![rptRevenue]
.filter = strFilter
.filterOn = True
End with
Into this one
With Reports![rptTransaction]![rsubRevenue]
.filter = strFilter
.filterOn = True
End with
When testing, I get a message stating that object does not support or
method. When I hit Debug the 2nd line of the code above gets highlighted.
I don't where to go from here. Can someone help? I would really appreciate.
My system runs Access 2000 and Win XP Home.