Dynamic vs Static IP?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have read a bit about the general differences between the two types of connection, which mainly regarding seem to centre around security issues and stability.

I get the impression that whilst Dynamic is considered the "safer" option from potential hackers, etc., it can also be a pain if you are a gamer (for example) due to dropped connections taking longer to re-connect (really??) However, I wonder what the general consensus of opinion is here, if any of you happen to have experience of both? Is there really a perceivable difference? Or is that tosh? :confused:

Currently, we have a static IP, but if we decided to go for one of the new LLU packages our ISP is offering, then we would have a Dynamic IP as standard, (with an option to pay an additional £3.49 per month for a Static IP.) The packages themselves are more expensive anyway, so this is why I'm trying to weigh-up a few pros and cons before making any decisions. :nod:

Thank you for taking a look :D
I'd stick with the dynamic IP personally - as it only makes much of a difference to online gaming if you host your own games (as it makes it easier for others knowing your IP will always be the same). Perhaps it would reconnect marginally quicker if you get a dropped connection, but that doesn't happen very often (I can't remember when I last had one anyway). :)

Might as well save the £40/year and go out for a nice meal instead, as I don't think you'll notice a difference - and ironically you may end up with a static IP anyway. My IP hasn't changed for ages and it's supposed to be dynamic :) (probably as my router is always on :lol: ).
I have a static IP addie, all day, in fact, it may only change when I have to do an MS reboot, and, I've only ever rebooted my Modem 3 times in 4 years. ;)

Have a nice meal ... :nod:

Thank you for the replies Ian and Mucks :thumb: To be honest, I had been thinking along those lines myself - because the router is always on here too. But it is always good to be able to get the views of people who know, rather than relying on my own guesswork :) I certainly will not be making extra payments for the Static option ;) I'd sooner put that £40 toward a new broadchip router :D

I'm still hedging my bets at the moment, regarding the LLU thing, because there are to be even more new "packages" offered soon, so I'm not keen to make the change, only to find that there might be better choices to be made. Well... it's a woman's prerogative to dither a bit isn't it

Thank you both again :wave:
Yup... I agree... my thoughts have been
If you host stuff... Website, Mail Server, Game Hosts then get a "Static IP"
If you don't... use a "Dynamic IP"

Note... there is a grey area called "Fixed IP", some ISPs have been selling this as an extra option saying it's a fixed IP... however it isn't, it's a dynamic IP with a longer lease.
Virgin aka NTL sell this (no static option) and I've had to reconfigure one of our remote offices 3 times due to them changing the IP without informing us. As soon as a decent ISP package is available there I'll be changing to it.