Dynamic Subreport in Access does not print correctly Help! Help!....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dang Dinh Ngoc
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Dang Dinh Ngoc

I have an access database for keeping contact list and work branch of
various offices in Vietnam. There are requirement for the output as
+ There are a lot of missing information in a contact, sometimes people just
have email and phone but sometimes they do have all contact items.
As the report will have to print out all so it will be a bit wasting of
paper then. I designed a report that will dynamically hide blank fields and
resize report so the print out will be nicely looked without any big space.
But when I started to put such type of report into a master report, problem
occured - the sub-report printed correctly for the first two records and the
rest with mistakes even the last record have full number of contact items
but it printed only 2 fields.
Just problem has put me on the fire for weeks without solution! I would be
really obliged if you could help me.
Here is the link:
or you can send me a mail at (e-mail address removed) - and I will send you the
file for testimonial.
Tks in advance for ur helps.
P/S By opening the file - just click print and you will see it.
Yours very faithfully

Dang DInh ngoc
I doubt you will find anyone willing to download your file and work on it
for free, but I have a suggestion for you.

You can set the CanShrink property of the text box on the report to Yes.
Provided there is nothing beside this text box, when it is null, the text
box will take up no vertical space in the report. Provided the CanShrink
property of the (detail?) section is also set to Yes, the section itself
will shrink also.

That will not work if the text box has a label beside it. To work around
1. Right-click the label, and choose Change To | Text box.
2. In the Control Source property of this text box, type:
=IIf([City] Is Null, Null, "City")
where City represents the name of the text box beside it.

Hope that helps
Thank you so much Allen!
This even much much better than trying anything else... I have been thinking
on this issue for weeks and try to find out what should be a way, but no
Just now found myself dumb to this so simple and smart way of doing thing.
One again, thank you for your meaningful tips
Dang Dinh Ngoc

Allen Browne said:
I doubt you will find anyone willing to download your file and work on it
for free, but I have a suggestion for you.

You can set the CanShrink property of the text box on the report to Yes.
Provided there is nothing beside this text box, when it is null, the text
box will take up no vertical space in the report. Provided the CanShrink
property of the (detail?) section is also set to Yes, the section itself
will shrink also.

That will not work if the text box has a label beside it. To work around
1. Right-click the label, and choose Change To | Text box.
2. In the Control Source property of this text box, type:
=IIf([City] Is Null, Null, "City")
where City represents the name of the text box beside it.

Hope that helps

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Dang Dinh Ngoc said:
I have an access database for keeping contact list and work branch of
various offices in Vietnam. There are requirement for the output as
+ There are a lot of missing information in a contact, sometimes people
have email and phone but sometimes they do have all contact items.
As the report will have to print out all so it will be a bit wasting of
paper then. I designed a report that will dynamically hide blank fields
resize report so the print out will be nicely looked without any big
But when I started to put such type of report into a master report,
occured - the sub-report printed correctly for the first two records and
rest with mistakes even the last record have full number of contact items
but it printed only 2 fields.
Just problem has put me on the fire for weeks without solution! I would
really obliged if you could help me.
Here is the link:
or you can send me a mail at (e-mail address removed) - and I will send you
file for testimonial.
Tks in advance for ur helps.
P/S By opening the file - just click print and you will see it.
Yours very faithfully