John F
I need to work with a table that was has 2 field names each with a space:
Proposal Name and Proposal Number.
I am building a SQL string, then opening an ADO Recordset and finally using
the Fields property of the recordset.
How should I handle these field names, both when defining the SQL string and
using the Fields property?
Dim strSQL As String
Dim MsgStr As String
Dim TitleStr As String
Dim rsProp As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strProposalName, strProposalNumber As String
strSQL = "SELECT ProposalKey, Proposal Name, Proposal Number FROM
tblProposals " _
& "WHERE ProposalKey = " & Me.txtProposalID
rsProp.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly,
If rsProp.EOF Then
MsgBox "This Proposal ID does not exist in the Proposal Status Data
Base.", _
vbCritical, "Import Error"
Set rsProp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
strProposalName = rsProp.Fields("Proposal Name")
strProposalNumber = rsProp.Fields("Proposal Number")
Set rsProp = Nothing
MsgStr = "Proposal Name: " & strProposalName & " Proposal Number: " _
& strProposalNumber & " Continue with the import?"
TitleStr = "Confirm Proposal Import"
If MsgBox(MsgStr, vbYesNo, TitleStr) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
Proposal Name and Proposal Number.
I am building a SQL string, then opening an ADO Recordset and finally using
the Fields property of the recordset.
How should I handle these field names, both when defining the SQL string and
using the Fields property?
Dim strSQL As String
Dim MsgStr As String
Dim TitleStr As String
Dim rsProp As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strProposalName, strProposalNumber As String
strSQL = "SELECT ProposalKey, Proposal Name, Proposal Number FROM
tblProposals " _
& "WHERE ProposalKey = " & Me.txtProposalID
rsProp.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly,
If rsProp.EOF Then
MsgBox "This Proposal ID does not exist in the Proposal Status Data
Base.", _
vbCritical, "Import Error"
Set rsProp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
strProposalName = rsProp.Fields("Proposal Name")
strProposalNumber = rsProp.Fields("Proposal Number")
Set rsProp = Nothing
MsgStr = "Proposal Name: " & strProposalName & " Proposal Number: " _
& strProposalNumber & " Continue with the import?"
TitleStr = "Confirm Proposal Import"
If MsgBox(MsgStr, vbYesNo, TitleStr) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If