Dynamic Ranges - Missing last entry



I have created a dynamic range for an excel 2000 spreadsheet that I
reference by using a Data Validation List...

The dynamic range almost works, except that is leaves whichever is my
last entry to the list off, of my "drop-down" box... So anything I add
to the list whether is is several or a couple, will show up in my
drop-down box except the very last entry....

My list that I am creating the dynamic range from runs from cell

A3 thru A20

The formula for the dynamic range I have is:

Can anyone recognize something that might be wrong with my formula, or
do you know of a website that could possibly help??

Bernie Deitrick


Make sure that you don't have any blank cells or (hidden rows that are
blank) in the block of cells in column A.

MS Excel MVP


Yeah I looked into that and I did have a blank cell in there, I took i
out and it worked..... However, now Can I create a dynamic range for
few lists....

I have 3 lists on a the same sheet though that I want to create
dynamic range for .... The dynamic range I created for my 1st lis
works, but the other two give me an error message: "The Sourc
Currently evaluates to an error. Do you wish to continue?"

The formula I used for the other 2 lists is the same as the one tha
works for my 1st list, the only thing different is that the other tw
lists reference their appropriate Columns.. But I get this message...

Do I need the lists on seperate sheets, or do I need to change m
formula around to get the other two lists to work as well?

The formula I used for the "working" dynamic range is
-for the othe r2 lists I just changed to column reference from "A" t
"C" and "E" which hold my other lists..

Any help is greatly appreciated

Bernie Deitrick


I can't replicate your error: I'm able to make as many dynamic range
names as I want.

The only thing I can recommend is to make sure your formulas are

MS Excel MVP


I will look closer at my formulas though...

But basically I should be able to use the same formula and just chang
the column reference to whichever column holds my other lists, correct

Bernie Deitrick

That's correct: just make sure that you change all three instances of
the column letter....

MS Excel MVP

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