Hi All,
I have a form with a multi-column list box on it (unbound, loaded
through code). Based on values that the user selects (from a frame),
I would like to populate that single listbox with different columns and
For Example, the Frame has two options: Applicant and Inquiry
If the user clicks on applicant, I want to load the listbox with a
subset of data from the applicant table. If the user clicks on
Inquiry, I want to load the same listbox with data from the inquiry
table (with a different number of columns).
I have no problem getting the data into the listbox, but I cannot
remember for the life of me how to set the number of columns and column
widths in the code. I know you can do this, but I can't find an
example anywhere.
To paraphrase what I want the code to do:
If FrameSearch = 1 then
build my query (I know how to do this)
set number of columns in listbox
set widths of columns in listbox
execute query and bind to listbox (I know how to do this)
End if
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I have a form with a multi-column list box on it (unbound, loaded
through code). Based on values that the user selects (from a frame),
I would like to populate that single listbox with different columns and
For Example, the Frame has two options: Applicant and Inquiry
If the user clicks on applicant, I want to load the listbox with a
subset of data from the applicant table. If the user clicks on
Inquiry, I want to load the same listbox with data from the inquiry
table (with a different number of columns).
I have no problem getting the data into the listbox, but I cannot
remember for the life of me how to set the number of columns and column
widths in the code. I know you can do this, but I can't find an
example anywhere.
To paraphrase what I want the code to do:
If FrameSearch = 1 then
build my query (I know how to do this)
set number of columns in listbox
set widths of columns in listbox
execute query and bind to listbox (I know how to do this)
End if
Thank you for any help you can provide.