Dynamic formula to sum 3 columns into 4th

  • Thread starter Thread starter turtleman2
  • Start date Start date


This ought to be very simple for the experts out there...
All I want to do, on a worksheet filled with numeric values, is just
SUM columns F,G & H into the adjacent column I, on any given row, for
as far down as the values extend. In other words, I2=F2+G2+H2 and so
forth. There's got to be some array formula &/or dynamic formula
that'll handle this---but I can't get a handle on it. Thanks in advance
for your time & attention to detail :-))
Terry B.
Hi Terry,

just enter the following i I2
and copy this down for all rows

Hi, Frank !
Thanks for your time. Yes, I know I could do a simple SUM formula
into I2, and 'copy it down' for all cells, but I was actually looking
for something dynamic that would *only have to be entered one time*,
and would accomplish the same thing for every time a numeric value was
entered into cells on row F, G or H.
*To Frank & all,
* You were right; I was dense. I didn't realize how easy it was for me
to copy the formula down as far as I wanted to, 'til I saw the tip on
"Copy & paste data / formulas..." Might take me a whole 30 seconds, but
guess I can deal with that :D
*Thanks again* for your help.
