Dynamic form loading...Help pls..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sachi
  • Start date Start date


I saw your article in msdn about loading forms
dynamically. It is really a great article.
URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?

Sorry, soo far i never had tried anything with
winforms..was working much with webforms.

Currently as we are moving into winforms, I am looking
for better ways to load the forms from the MDI.
You way of explain is really good. But the problem is i
stuck with basics.

Question : You are loading form based on the combo box
selected value.
My requirement is either when user click on menu
item or on tool bar item, i need to load the form.
How this can be acheived?

Hope to get your reply sooner.

Thanks and Regards,
Put something like this in Menu click event handler or
create a separate function in MDI parent.
If you wish only one form to be available at any time
use this:

Sub xxx()
Dim o As Form
For Each o In Me.MdiClidren
If TypeOf(o) Is YourChildFormClassName Then
Exit sub
Next o
o = New YourChildFormClassName()
o.MdiParent = Me
End Sub

Omit the For Each...Next loop if you don't care how
many child forms of the same type may be opened.
