I'm doing an e-catalogue for a client, it's in html format, the client asked
that it should be easily customizable, and he knows how to work on FP 2003,
so I started working on that using FP DWT and FP theme, every thing is good
for now, but then the client requested a specific changes:
The Navigational bar should look like this:
Home > a
Not like this:
Home | Up
a, b, c are main categories. a1, a2, b1, c1, .. are sub-categories.
There will be link on Home and the main category
The sub-categories displaying on the main category page should be as
thumbnails that are dynamically generated by the FP site's navigational
structure, when a user click on it, it'll take him to the sub category with
the same thumbnail displaying as full size image, with features (ignore the
features table, it’ll be added later to the dwt page)
I’m using FP 2003
The site will be copied on CD not published on server
Site done:
Download site:
This is how it should look like:
I'm doing an e-catalogue for a client, it's in html format, the client asked
that it should be easily customizable, and he knows how to work on FP 2003,
so I started working on that using FP DWT and FP theme, every thing is good
for now, but then the client requested a specific changes:
The Navigational bar should look like this:
Home > a
Not like this:
Home | Up
a, b, c are main categories. a1, a2, b1, c1, .. are sub-categories.
There will be link on Home and the main category
The sub-categories displaying on the main category page should be as
thumbnails that are dynamically generated by the FP site's navigational
structure, when a user click on it, it'll take him to the sub category with
the same thumbnail displaying as full size image, with features (ignore the
features table, it’ll be added later to the dwt page)
I’m using FP 2003
The site will be copied on CD not published on server
Site done:
Download site:
This is how it should look like: