dynamic button captions

  • Thread starter Thread starter NickB
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to have a list of buttons (using Continuous
Forms) and have a product name (from a query) appear one
per button (one button per form). If I
place "Me.cmdSelect.Caption = Forms!frmAllProducts!
txtProduct.Value" in the Form Property "On Current" it
works great, if it is a Single Form. But if I change it to
a Continuous Form, it enters the first product name on all
of the buttons. If I go to the next record, it puts the
second product name on all of the buttons.

Any ideas on how I should be doing this?

This can not be done in Continuous forms. On these, all controls are in
fact a mirror image of the same single control, and when you change one,
you change all.
Instead of Buttons, use Text boxes with Hyperlink On.
