Dyanmic Report Generation

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Hi all,

I need to generate a report but no of columns are not known at runtime.

How can i generate that type of report in ms access?

Thanks in advance

In over ten years of using and developing with Access, I've not ever seen a
genuine requirement to "generate a new report at runtime". If you'll
explain in some detail what you have and what you are trying to accomplish,
perhaps someone could make some useful suggestions.

I _have_ seen some attempts at creating a "flexible user report" scheme
where the user can select certain columns from a pre-determined list. In
practice, these turned out to be so restrictive the users of the system
simply ignored them. And, in some of these cases, the solution was to give
the users permission to use Access' reporting feature to create their own
custom reports in a separate database linked to the same data tables.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP
ok here is the explanatin.

Actually i need to create a report for Appointment scheduling for
practiioners with patients on certain time slot.
Im displaying the data on a grid control like

Time Slot Gez | July | Noor | ........ (Practioner Names

8:00 App1 x x
9:00 App2 x x
10:00 x x x
11:00 x app4 app5

Here the practioners names are not static means company can have one more
practioners added or deleted.
The user interface is workign fine.. but the problem is that i also need to
generate the report for it.

so how can i do this.??

hope you got this



Hi, I have a lot of this kind of report. What I use is write data to Excel
sheet. You also have to reference to Excel Library. And learn the
object/method/property of Excel Objcet from Excel help file. It may not an
easy task. But it worth to do. You can find example code in KB and Access
Web Ring.
Unless I'm overlooking something, it looks to me like all you need is a
crosstab query to accomplish your objective.

As for true dynamic report generation, we have built a tool (using VB with
Access as the back end database) that does this. Essentially it works with
a data cube, similar to the Excel pivot table except it is easier to use and
has far better report presentation capabilties. Contrary to some remarks in
this thread, we have found that there is a need for dynamic reporting that
allows an end-user to click together a report without having to create a
query first and without needing knowledge of Joins & Unions.

Allan Thompson
APT Associates/ FieldScope LLC
MS Office Automation / Measurement and Reporting Systems