That is an error behavior that should not occur if you editable region names in the DWT and your pages are the same
- Do your editable region names perchance have spaces in them?
- Are you working in a Disc based or Server based Web/Site and in what OS & version of the FP SE
|I understand how DWTs work (or should work), but something is terribly wrong
| here. Again, I did not rename and/or remove any editable regions from the
| master template. Even if I did add new content into a editable region of the
| master template then I would NOT expect it that content to appear on any
| currently attached pages, but rather any new pages created/attached from that
| point forward. I have tested this behavior and that is indeed what happens.
| I think somehow something got corrupted within the web itself. By the way,
| the specific error message I am getting is as follows:
| "FrontPage could not apply the Dynamic Web Template because the template and
| this page do not share a compatible editable region. If there are compatible
| pages remaining to process, you can skip this page and continue processing.
| Otherwise, cancel this operation entirely. Continue with this template? Yes
| No"
| Let me be clear, I DID NOT rename and/or remove ANY editable regions on the
| master template. I have found that I can detach existing pages from the
| template and then reattach it without incident. However, I do not want to,
| nor should I have to, go through this painstaking process.
| Thanks
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > DWTs only manage / update the Non-editable regions of pages using them
| > - anything you want on all pages must be in non-editable regions (not in editable regions)
| > - the date/time script (if in the head section in a non-editable region) should have updated all pages
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| >
| > |I am having a problem updating pages that have a .DWT file attached.
| > | Everything was working fine, but then today I made a change inside of an
| > | editable region on the .DWT file itself so that any new pages I created from
| > | that point forward would have this new inline style I created. I also added a
| > | simple date/time script to a non-editable region.
| > |
| > | Now, however, when I go to update pages that were already previously
| > | attached to the .DWT file it says something to the effect of "this page could
| > | not be updated because it does not share any editable regions with the .DWT
| > | file."
| > |
| > | So what is going on here? I did not remove or rename ANY of the editable
| > | regions on the master .DWT file so I am completely confounded by this error.
| > | Please help!
| > |
| > | Thanks
| >
| >
| >