DWT Inserts 3 Blank Lines


J. H. Barnes

I am encountering a problem and not sure if it is a DWT design issue or just
something I am doing wrong. I am creating a Web that will have several
sample Web pages, and I am using DWTs to illustrate to customers how easy it
is the change the "fook and feel" of a web page.

Everything works perfectly with the exception that after the DWT is applied
to a page, there are three or four blank lines inserted at the bottom of the
editable section of a page. These blank lines are in an uneditable region of
the page and they cannot be deleted.

Is this the way DWTs work? If so, is there a workaround for this problem?

Thanks in advance,


Stefan B Rusynko

Not the way they work
- what tags are inside of your editable region(s)
- make sure it's a block level tag you are inserting the region inside of
What tags are you seeing in code view causing the breaks

Typically inside the editable region you would just insert a FP Comment as in
<!-- #BeginEditable "body1" --><!--webbot bot="PurpleText" preview="PAGE CONTENT 1" --><!-- #EndEditable -->


| I am encountering a problem and not sure if it is a DWT design issue or just
| something I am doing wrong. I am creating a Web that will have several
| sample Web pages, and I am using DWTs to illustrate to customers how easy it
| is the change the "fook and feel" of a web page.
| Everything works perfectly with the exception that after the DWT is applied
| to a page, there are three or four blank lines inserted at the bottom of the
| editable section of a page. These blank lines are in an uneditable region of
| the page and they cannot be deleted.
| Is this the way DWTs work? If so, is there a workaround for this problem?
| Thanks in advance,
| James

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