When using a Dynamic Web Template is there any way to take a Non-Editable
Region and nest it into an Editable Region?
Ideally it would be nice to insert content (such as an important notice)
that still needs to be shared across all pages into an editable region of a
DWT. As a web designer it is very difficult to predict whether or not in the
future I will ever need to add new content (that I want shared) inside of an
area that is already an editable region.
Region and nest it into an Editable Region?
Ideally it would be nice to insert content (such as an important notice)
that still needs to be shared across all pages into an editable region of a
DWT. As a web designer it is very difficult to predict whether or not in the
future I will ever need to add new content (that I want shared) inside of an
area that is already an editable region.