DVR Card Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter jonbhoy
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Hi all

Have a real problem im trying to sort out and its driving me mad!!

I have fitted a wireless cctv camera to my front door as a securit
and wanted to view and record it via my PC so got a DVR PCI card vi
ebay (A
LYD syd or some name like that i think,its based on a conexant chip)
also have an intel USB webcam i use for things like MSN Messenge
already on
my system

I fitted the card and the drivers and then everything went crazy !!
only did the card and program that came with it not want to work bu
knocked out my intel webcam too . I checked in the system hardwar
and both drivers were listed in seperate areas but something i notice
each time i tried to disable the DVR card it shut the whole syste
down and
rebooted saying a memory dump was in progress !!!

I have built a number of computers but am new to the CCTV side o
things so
can anyone give me any pointers ? Am i able to run DVR software via
card whilst still being able to use my webcam or is that a no go ? An
or tips would most gratefully be received

Thanks all

Real bucket of worms. Wouldn't surprise me if
the PCI card did not autodetect your Intel cam as
its input device. Then you installed the wireless
right over that. Also, Messenger might have done
just the reverse, and now your web cam is looking
out your front door :-) Heh! What a mess. You
might do better to get a USB Hauppauge box and
connect both cameras to it so you can select
each under the same management program ..
and also capture as needed from each. Still I
don't know if the Hauppauge can pass the Intel
camera to Messenger. At least you would be
able to talk to Hauppauge and get tech support.
The Hauppauge boxes have multiple inputs of
several kinds with each independently configured
regards data type. My Hauppauge 350 must have
5 different cables ( still in my closet ), and it can
take in composit, cableTV, s-video, RBG, and
patch all of that out to sound card, video card,
independant monitors off the video card ... and
record all that to a file in real time ... which can
be viewed in real time.

Hi all,

Have a real problem im trying to sort out and its driving me mad!!!

I have fitted a wireless cctv camera to my front door as a security
device and wanted to view and record it via my PC so got a DVR PCI
card via ebay (A LYD syd or some name like that i think,its based
on a conexant chip) . I also have an intel USB webcam i use for
things like MSN Messenger already on my system.

I fitted the card and the drivers and then everything went crazy !!!
Not only did the card and program that came with it not want to work
but it knocked out my intel webcam too . I checked in the system
hardware manager and both drivers were listed in seperate areas
but something i noticed is each time i tried to disable the DVR
card it shut the whole system down and rebooted saying a memory
dump was in progress !!!!

I have built a number of computers but am new to the CCTV side of
things so can anyone give me any pointers ? Am i able to run DVR
software via a PCI card whilst still being able to use my webcam
or is that a no go ? Any hints or tips would most gratefully be

Thanks all,


Wireless CCTV camera - What brand and model number ?
Do you have a URL for the web site of the manufacturer, showing
some informationm on the camera. Is the camera really wireless ?

What is the brand and model of "DVR PCI card" ? Does this card
have a "wireless" interface as well ? How does the signal get
from the video camera to the DVR card ? Do you have a URL for
the company that makes the DVR PCI card ?

What software are you using to record from the DVR PCI card ?

It is easier to answer your question, if all the details are
there in the posting.

Is this the card and chip ? This is a BT878 based card
(chip designed by Brooktree, bought out by Conexant):

The BT878 works with wired cameras, with composite video signals
on three channels, and the option to use S-Video on the fourth
channel. The above card is set up for four composite channels,
and possibly the ribbon cable headers are for a digital camera
of type CCIR656. The multiplexer on the front end of the 878,
allows four sources to be used, but the software can only
select one source at a time.

The card is a DMA bus master, and when it is capturing video,
it pushes 20+MB/sec over the PCI bus. You should stop the card,
using the software, before trying to uninstall the software.
If the card is in the middle of doing DMA, when you uninstall
the software, the results could very well be a crash. The BT878
is a good test of your PCI bus in any case, due to the amount
of data it moves across the bus. If your computer freezes while
the BT878 is capturing data, it could be a sign that the
chipset on your motherboard, does not implement a very good PCI
bus. (Knowing the model number of your motherboard may help
determine whether that is a possibility.)

The software drivers you install, will likely register the
camera as a video capture device. That may require you to enter
other programs, and deselect the new capture device as a possible
source of video signal to the program (like in netmeeting).
