Hi all
Have a real problem im trying to sort out and its driving me mad!!
I have fitted a wireless cctv camera to my front door as a securit
and wanted to view and record it via my PC so got a DVR PCI card vi
ebay (A
LYD syd or some name like that i think,its based on a conexant chip)
also have an intel USB webcam i use for things like MSN Messenge
already on
my system
I fitted the card and the drivers and then everything went crazy !!
only did the card and program that came with it not want to work bu
knocked out my intel webcam too . I checked in the system hardwar
and both drivers were listed in seperate areas but something i notice
each time i tried to disable the DVR card it shut the whole syste
down and
rebooted saying a memory dump was in progress !!!
I have built a number of computers but am new to the CCTV side o
things so
can anyone give me any pointers ? Am i able to run DVR software via
card whilst still being able to use my webcam or is that a no go ? An
or tips would most gratefully be received
Thanks all
Have a real problem im trying to sort out and its driving me mad!!
I have fitted a wireless cctv camera to my front door as a securit
and wanted to view and record it via my PC so got a DVR PCI card vi
ebay (A
LYD syd or some name like that i think,its based on a conexant chip)
also have an intel USB webcam i use for things like MSN Messenge
already on
my system
I fitted the card and the drivers and then everything went crazy !!
only did the card and program that came with it not want to work bu
knocked out my intel webcam too . I checked in the system hardwar
and both drivers were listed in seperate areas but something i notice
each time i tried to disable the DVR card it shut the whole syste
down and
rebooted saying a memory dump was in progress !!!
I have built a number of computers but am new to the CCTV side o
things so
can anyone give me any pointers ? Am i able to run DVR software via
card whilst still being able to use my webcam or is that a no go ? An
or tips would most gratefully be received
Thanks all