If you go to
www.hp.com and click the link for driver &
software downloads, then you can enter the model number of
the computer and find downloads for manuals, drivers and
such for the model.
Usually, software is bundled to match the hardware as sold.
Often it is basic applications, sometimes it is a full
version of the retail software as a time-limited demo.
You can also find drivers for hardware at
Upgrading the OS on a laptop can be problematic because the
motherboards and some components are not standard items, but
custom for each model. Some things are only available from
the mfg'r (HP)and if they don't offer an updated driver you
can be out of luck.
Post your model number and you might get better advice.
message | You're welcome.
| No, all she had was what came with the computer.
| I "assumed" it was a part of Windows Me. Now, you're
| making me wonder if it never was a built-in to Me. How
| cna I find out now that I've already upgraded it to XP
| and lost it?
| And Thank YOU for your continued assistance.
| Kciwart
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Thanks for the service, be safe and keep your weapon
| clean.
| >
| >If she was using third party software, such a Adaptec
| >or an early version of Roxio, you will need to upgrade
| to at
| >least version 5.3.5. All version 5 can be upgraded, but
| >version 4 and earlier will require purchase.
| >
| >
| >message | >|
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Just download up to date XP drivers for your computer
| >| from
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >
| in
| >| >message | >| >| When I upgraded my daughter's HP notebook from Me
| to XP
| >| >| whe lost her DVD reader and CD burner software.
| What's
| >| >| with that? Do I have to buy some more software or
| >| worse?
| >| >
| >| >Thanks Jim! I'll have her try it. I'm in the
| Military
| >| and not at home right now.
| >|
| >| Kciwart
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >