I have a SONY DVD RW DW-U55A drive and I can not burn files to a DVD discs.
When the My Computer window is open it says "DVD-RW Drive (F
" but when I
put in the DVD it changes to "CD Drive (F
If I right click on the drive with the disc in the computer is says that
there is 0 free space. Used space = 0 bytes and Free space = 0 bytes.
I have burned many data and audio CD's but can not get my computer to burn
them to a DVD.
I have also gone into the properties of the DVD drive and unchecked the
"Enable CD recording on this drive" under the Recording tab and I have
unchecked the "enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM device" under the
properties of the dvd drive. - neither seem to change anything.
What can I do? I just want to burn some files to a DVD to clear space on my
hard drive.
Thank you,
Jason G
When the My Computer window is open it says "DVD-RW Drive (F

put in the DVD it changes to "CD Drive (F

If I right click on the drive with the disc in the computer is says that
there is 0 free space. Used space = 0 bytes and Free space = 0 bytes.
I have burned many data and audio CD's but can not get my computer to burn
them to a DVD.
I have also gone into the properties of the DVD drive and unchecked the
"Enable CD recording on this drive" under the Recording tab and I have
unchecked the "enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM device" under the
properties of the dvd drive. - neither seem to change anything.
What can I do? I just want to burn some files to a DVD to clear space on my
hard drive.
Thank you,
Jason G