DVD Regions

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

I bought a DVD in NZ just before i came back, didnt even think about regions etc, but it wont play in my xbox, bose system or dvd writer thing. Anyone know of any way to make it play?

I dont know much about DVD's etc but i seem to remember when they first came out there were two regions, but you could get region free too????

There are in fact 8 regions altogether:

1. USA, Canada
2. Western Europe, Japan, South Africa
3. South & East Asia
4. Australia, Central&South America
5. Russia, Eastern Europe, Africa
6. China
7. Reserved
8. International venues (Ships/aircraft etc)

I use a program called DVD Region+CSS Free on my PC - works like a dream :thumb:
You forgot Region 0 ;)

Which is anywhere and everywhere. Just wonder though if it had RCE protection aswell. That can cause problems in certain players.

Check your player out here


And here for other Region stuff and an explanation of RCE


A very nice guy called Steve. If your player aint there then send him an email he replys within 1 hour usually. Saying that all guys called steve must be nice thats why i'm helping you out ;)

Oh shush :P