Perdita X. Dream, you are in fact wrong when you post this information the
way you posted it. If you check this web site (PC World),aid,102506,pg,2,00.asp you will find
this quote "DVD: Rewritable formats include DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM.
Though the third format is the least compatible of the three (discs can be
read only in DVD-RAM drives and some DVD-ROM drives), it's good for data
backup, since it's available in both 4.7GB bare discs and high-capacity,
9.4GB cartridges (protected discs that are usable only in other DVD-RAM
drives). "
This clearly shows that Chris Lanier has the correct information on his/her
post when stated that DVD-RAM drives are " lowest compaibibly" which you
disagreed with.
So to quote you "So, do please check your facts before posting. If you're
not sure it's better if you DON'T POST!!"