Sure you can get a reasonably fast DVD-RAM drive now
for $40 but you can't get 12x media in the USA! DVD-RAM
has the specs/capabilities over the other formats, but what's
the point if media is unavailable or costs more than a buck a
disc?! No way I'm paying $10/disc!!! Unavailabilty of media
and high priced media are the nails in the coffin of DVD-RAM.
That group of Asians is always a day late and a dollar short.
Buh bye DVD-RAM?
Competing technology (and winning by leaps and bounds):
DVD-RW w/Mt. Ranier.
Apparently, RAMPRG is either high on their horses or
incompetent. ($10 a disc?! Get a life!).
for $40 but you can't get 12x media in the USA! DVD-RAM
has the specs/capabilities over the other formats, but what's
the point if media is unavailable or costs more than a buck a
disc?! No way I'm paying $10/disc!!! Unavailabilty of media
and high priced media are the nails in the coffin of DVD-RAM.
That group of Asians is always a day late and a dollar short.
Buh bye DVD-RAM?
Competing technology (and winning by leaps and bounds):
DVD-RW w/Mt. Ranier.
Apparently, RAMPRG is either high on their horses or
incompetent. ($10 a disc?! Get a life!).