Lil' Dave said:
In its infancy, DVD+ media and DVD- media could only be read by DVD
for each particular media.
Would you be kind enough to identify a reader that was sold as supporting
DVD+ and not DVD-?
DVD readers initially were created to read commercially pressed DVDs, not
DVDs burned in a DVD recording drive. The "-" in DVD- was just a "dash"
with no significance except as punctuation until DVD+ came along.
Both DVD+ and DVD- were designed so that the burned disks were readable in
as many of those old readers that were designed in complete ignorance of
either the "+" or "-" standard as possible. Turns out that the "-" guys
managed to come pretty close to the standard so most existing drives could
read "-", but some couldn't. The "+" guys tried to do better than the "-"
guys and they managed to get their disks to work in some of those in which
the "-" media weren't readable, but at the same time some of the drives
that would read "-" it turned out wouldn't read "+". But I've never heard
of a _reader_ that was made specifically to support "+" at the exclusion of
There are still some exclusive + and - writers
out there.
Who's still making them?
The only way to know for sure if a particular DVD reader can read
either/or/both +/- DVD media is to burn both + and - and check. And you
sound like you're in the perfect position for testing.
If you're asking a hidden additional question about writing CDs, and
reading same, there is no + or - media for that.
IE: "older machines".