DVD +R or -R

  • Thread starter Thread starter ray
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No huge difference. I personally prefer minus.
The company that support DVD-R is different from DVD+R
but no worries about that as nowadays drives can write both formats
ray said:
Can someone please tell me the difference between DV+R and DVD-R.

Not much in as far as a consumer is concerned. Two competing formats that
lost to one another when drive manufacturers just decided to make
"all-in-one" drives to make everyone happy.

Use which ever you like, can get the best quality of for the least cash.
DVD-R have a maximum capacity of 4.37gb.. DVD+R have a maximum capacity of
8.5gb subject to the drive being able to 'double layer', ie. DVD+RW 'dual
or what the DVD player in his Living Room will support

"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."
Tom Willett said:
It also depends on what the dvd program the user has installed will
I got a new computer and I wanted to keep it optimized. Now when I run
Defrag it wont respond. I downloaded the Microsoft defrag, and it says
"Windows cannot defrag this drive because it has been locked by a diosk
uitility. Quit any utilities that may have locked this drive and defrag

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