DVD playback will not work



I just upgraded from ME to XP on my Dell Dimension 4100. I wanted to play DVDs in WMP, so I purchased the Intervideo WinDVD XP. Well, the miniplayer that comes with this package will not play the DVDs (any of them), just stalls on the intro FBI copyright warning, nothing. No error messages, no anything. I have updated all drivers, DirectX, uninstalled, reinstalled everything. I checked NetMeeting, did the dvdupgrd /detect (no other drivers), tried trial versions of other players (PowerDVD worked, but not with WMP--it hanged there) no error messages. I have a NEC_DV 5800a DVD ROM that is functional. I have tried almost every standard fix, checked the Knowledge base, DVD troubleshooter. WMP will play video files, and so does Intervideo. Just will not run the DVD disks. I emailed tech support for XP and Intervideo, no avail so far.

If anyone can help me, PLEASE!


could be, they are protected.
-----Original Message-----
I just upgraded from ME to XP on my Dell Dimension
4100. I wanted to play DVDs in WMP, so I purchased the
Intervideo WinDVD XP. Well, the miniplayer that comes
with this package will not play the DVDs (any of them),
just stalls on the intro FBI copyright warning, nothing.
No error messages, no anything. I have updated all
drivers, DirectX, uninstalled, reinstalled everything. I
checked NetMeeting, did the dvdupgrd /detect (no other
drivers), tried trial versions of other players (PowerDVD
worked, but not with WMP--it hanged there) no error
messages. I have a NEC_DV 5800a DVD ROM that is
functional. I have tried almost every standard fix,
checked the Knowledge base, DVD troubleshooter. WMP will
play video files, and so does Intervideo. Just will not
run the DVD disks. I emailed tech support for XP and
Intervideo, no avail so far.

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