DVD Media not recognized



I have multiple systems with DVD_RW's installed. They will not recognize any
DVD media, including the DVD that came with them for the drivers./software.

These systems each have different system board and DVD writer manufacturers.
They all have the latest updates for the boards, the latest firmware for the
DVD drives, and all are running the M$ IDE driver for the controller.

They are set to use UDMA, have UDMA round cables installed on them, and show
as using UDMA in Device Manager.

These drives were working and would recognize DVD media prior to installing
Windows XP. This includes OS upgrades and fresh installs. If I move the
drives to a PC running Win2K, they function perfectly. Updating to SP1 and 2
with latest patches, did not help.

I have seen many others with the same problem all over the net. There seems
to be no real solution. Some can fix it with the M$ IDE driver, or firmware
updates, or using UDMA instead of PIO. But none of that has worked for these
3 systems.
I am sure by now M$ must realize there is a problem with XP and DVD-RW's
from mulitple manufacturers. But I haven't seen anything posted about a
possible solution.

Has anyone had a similar problem, if so did you get a solid fix or are you
still having issues?

For the record, the main system I need working has a Sony DRU-510A drive,
with an Abit NSF-7S2 board, running a fresh install of XP SP2.

Yves Leclerc

What software are you trying to use to write to the DVDs? XP's built-in CD
writing tools normally can only do CD-Rs. It treats CD-RWs as CD-Rs.



Sounds like you did everything you can except:

Open device manager, delete all entries under DVD/CD-Rom Drives (note: your
DVD writers will be listed there). Shutdown and reboot letting XP
autodetect the optical drive(s). If all is not working then repeat the
above but also remove the IDE Channel under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers that
the DVD writer is attatched to. If that still does not work repeat the
above and also remove all entries under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and



I don't have any writing software installed. I am just trying to read
pressed DVD's or blank DVD's. I get an invalid media error. Or the drive
spins up, the light flashes, then my systems crawl until I eject the DVD.
Reads, writes and formats CD's perfectly.



Thanks for the tip. I tried that and was unsuccessful. It finds the drive,
ID channel and controllers just fine after reboot. But the drive still
doesn't like DVD's of any kind.


Tim, I am going to do some fishing here to see if produces any clue to
yourself and others as to what the problem is. So indulge me please.

After finding and reinstalling the DVD drive does XP correctly identify it?
Is it correctly identified during POST.

At the risk of getting blasted by anybody (yes I know you said it reads
cd's) - double check the jumper settings, and if using CS and it is the only
drive on the IDE cable connect it the the end 40 pin connector. My
preference is using Master and Slave jumpers instead of CS. Opticals don't
need a 80 wire cable but you may want to try it just the same.


Is this a single boot system or dual/multi boot system?

Outline your drive configuration:
Primary IDE channel (IDE0) - Master (hdd with WinXP O/S), Slave (hdd for
Secondary IDE channel (IDE1) - Master (DVD-Rom LG DRD-8160b), Slave
(DVD+/-RW Sony DRU-510A)

If the Sony DRU-510A is located on the Secondary IDE channel, have you tried
connecting it as Slave on the Primary IDE channel?

I believe that even though you do not have any DVD burning software (Nero,
etc) or DvD player software (WinDVD, Power DVD, etc) you should have no
problem reading a DVD disk at least to the point that you can look at the
file structure and file size. Other opinions?!?

Open device manager and look under IDE Channel under IDE ATA/ATAPI
Controllers, and depending on which IDE channel the DVD is connected to look
at Advanced Settings under Primary or Secondary IDE CHannel Properties.
Current transfer mode should be Ultra DMA Mode 2 (not PIO).






XP does not support DVDs out of the box, you need to install 3rd party DVD mastering software and codecs for reading (I presume movies) the DVD. The software for doing that SHOULD have come with the drive and according to Sony's site it does:
The DRU-510A comes complete with DVD authoring software for converting your video footage into DVD format, as well as software for burning CDs and DVDs

Veritas RecordNowâ„¢
CD/DVD mastering software

Veritas Simple Backupâ„¢
Backup software

Sonic Solutions MyDVDâ„¢
DVD video authoring software

ArcSoft ShowBiz®
Video editing software

Cyberlink PowerDVD®
Soft DVD Player Software

Install the software suite and try it. Also open help & support and type in "DVD" read the article.

Just my 2¢ worth,
__________In response to__________
|I don't have any writing software installed. I am just trying to read
| pressed DVD's or blank DVD's. I get an invalid media error. Or the drive
| spins up, the light flashes, then my systems crawl until I eject the DVD.
| Reads, writes and formats CD's perfectly.


Quote from O/P


XP does not support DVDs out of the box, you need to install 3rd party DVD
mastering software and codecs for reading (I presume movies) the DVD. The
software for doing that SHOULD have come with the drive and according to
Sony's site it does:
The DRU-510A comes complete with DVD authoring software for converting your
video footage into DVD format, as well as software for burning CDs and DVDs

Veritas RecordNowT
CD/DVD mastering software

Veritas Simple BackupT
Backup software

Sonic Solutions MyDVDT
DVD video authoring software

ArcSoft ShowBiz®
Video editing software

Cyberlink PowerDVD®
Soft DVD Player Software

Install the software suite and try it. Also open help & support and type in
"DVD" read the article.

Just my 2¢ worth,
__________In response to__________
|I don't have any writing software installed. I am just trying to read
| pressed DVD's or blank DVD's. I get an invalid media error. Or the drive
| spins up, the light flashes, then my systems crawl until I eject the DVD.
| Reads, writes and formats CD's perfectly.


Then in that case I would contact the manufacturer and get the required software on CD. And also ask THEM why the DVD supplied with the burner can't be read.

Just my 2¢ worth,
__________In response to__________
| Quote from O/P
| > >I have multiple systems with DVD_RW's installed. They will not recognize
| > >any
| > > DVD media, including the DVD that came with them for the
| > > drivers./software.
| > >
| r.

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