im a complete novice and need some help.
i would appreciate if anybody could give me step by step help with maken
my own dvd so i can watch them on my dvd player. i have looked on the news
group to see if anybody else needed help with this topic and from what iv
read there is alot af talk about diffrent kinds of software that you need
to download .i have dvd rewriter and a program called (sonic mydvd) that
is on my windows xp
im a complete novice and need some help.
i would appreciate if anybody could give me step by step help with maken
my own dvd so i can watch them on my dvd player. i have looked on the news
group to see if anybody else needed help with this topic and from what iv
read there is alot af talk about diffrent kinds of software that you need
to download .i have dvd rewriter and a program called (sonic mydvd) that
is on my windows xp