Monte Davis
I've recently returned an All-in-Wonder 8500DV to service, but can't
find its driver CD-ROM.
I've used the downloaded Catalyst driver recommended for the 8500
(6-5_xp...32464.exe), and MMC 9.02 (ditto). During installation I get
"ATI DVD decoder not detected" -- and no DVD player as part of the
MMC. The DVD drive is recognized by the hardware, and Windows Media
Player MP will play my DVDs in it... but is there a way to get the ATI
app as well?
FWIW, I also have a TV Wonder not currently in use, and do have its CD
-- any chance an "overlay" installation of that would pick up the DVD?
Monte Davis
find its driver CD-ROM.
I've used the downloaded Catalyst driver recommended for the 8500
(6-5_xp...32464.exe), and MMC 9.02 (ditto). During installation I get
"ATI DVD decoder not detected" -- and no DVD player as part of the
MMC. The DVD drive is recognized by the hardware, and Windows Media
Player MP will play my DVDs in it... but is there a way to get the ATI
app as well?
FWIW, I also have a TV Wonder not currently in use, and do have its CD
-- any chance an "overlay" installation of that would pick up the DVD?
Monte Davis