DVD Code 39 problem



I've recently encountered this issue on a Dell computer that I have. I've
tried all the registry filter suggestions, I've also tried the registry
scripts that I've seen posted for this problem, I've even had the DVD
replaced and still I have this issue. To be precise I've tried KB 314060,
I've tried the cdgone.zip, the XP_CD_DVD_fix and nothing worked. Could
somebody give me another suggestion please?


I've tried all that. That's how I got the initial fixes that I tried. I was
hoping that there might be a fix that I missed.

R. McCarty

This will sound like off-the-wall advice, but have you designated
a Region code for the DVD ? I've seen more than a few issues
that get resolved by simply setting that option. Region 1 = USA.


How is that done?
R. McCarty said:
This will sound like off-the-wall advice, but have you designated
a Region code for the DVD ? I've seen more than a few issues
that get resolved by simply setting that option. Region 1 = USA.

R. McCarty

Device Manager, expand the DVD/CD-ROM category. Double-Click
on your specific device.When the details box opens, click the DVD
Region Tab. Current Region may show "Not Selected" Click into the
box below (New Region) and select your DVD region


I checked into what you said and looked at a computer that is working, then I
went to the faulty one and the property sheet that allows you to check/change
the Region is missing. I believe this is probably what's causing the code 39
to begin with. Thanks for this by the way, but the issue still exists, since
uninstalling then reinstalling doesn't work either.

R. McCarty

One approach is to delete/uninstall the controller channel that serves
the Optical drive. On reboot both the controller and the device will
be re-enumerated.


Thanks! Learn something new everyday.
R. McCarty said:
Device Manager, expand the DVD/CD-ROM category. Double-Click
on your specific device.When the details box opens, click the DVD
Region Tab. Current Region may show "Not Selected" Click into the
box below (New Region) and select your DVD region


R. McCarty said:
This will sound like off-the-wall advice, but have you designated
a Region code for the DVD ? I've seen more than a few issues
that get resolved by simply setting that option. Region 1 = USA.

Please explain how selecting which key to use decrypting the CONTENTS of
video data files would prevent the computer from recognizing the empty
drive or even the directory structure on the media itself.

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