DVD/CD-RW-CD-ROM XP / Sonic Record Now!

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I have been having an issue with media not being detected on either my
DVD/CD-RW combo drive and also my CD-ROM drive. This was a known issue per
Dell's support folks and was believed to be the DLA piece of software that
comes with the Sonic Record Now! software. I have tried to get support from
Sonic and they no longer support version 6.5.3 of this Record Now! software.
I have uninstalled the DLA software and this seemed to have worked but now
the media is still not being detected. I have also installed the Record Now!
software and this does not work either. The drives detect software on a
reboot, but if you do not have media inserted on reboot and then insert after
the reboot, the media is not detected. I have updated the firmware on both
of these drives including the bios on the system itself. All MS updates and
Office updates have been done and I have also deleted any up/lower filters in
the registry: HKey_Local_Machine/system/current control
set/control/class/4063E965-E325-11CE-BFC1.08002BE10318. Can someone assist
with this issue and please alert me to any known issues concerning this or
with XP/Sonic software?

Many thanks!
StevenAII said:
Correction to my post. I have un-installed the Sonic Record Now! software.

I have this same problem. Ive cleaned out the registry and uninstalled and
contacted sonic but they refuse to send my password and has happened for
almost a year. Someone plz help me I despertaly need to backup some stuff on
Yes. I mentioned this in my original posting. Did this work for you? Was
this the overall resolve to your issue? Does anyone have any additional
input for this? Please let me know.

Many thanks!
Yes, it did work for me, but I'm not sure my symptoms were identical to
yours. In my case, the optical drives disappeared from Windows Explorer
and showed up in Device Manager with a yellow exclamation point.
Deleting the two registy entries and rebooting solved the problem.
I did not have anything from your experience happen to me. It has pretty
much been the same all the way around concerning my symptoms explained in my
initial message. I am still trying to check on what else that I can do.
Please help if anyone has more knowledge of this issue.

Thank you!
Can anyone provide any additional help for this problem?? Please assist if
you can. Thank you.