DVD/CD Drives not reading discs

Sep 3, 2005
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Just a quick warning, this is in regards to a relative's computer so ill have to look into specs later if anyone thinks the problem really needs them.

Ok the problem:

The DVD drive has stopped working. The drive is about a year old. When discs (CDs and DVDs) are inserted a sound can be heard suggesting a constant spin up/spin down (not sure on this but there is definately some spinning activity), the busy light comes on but nothing happens. No error message is provided on windows etc. the drive will try to read indefinately unless I take the disc out.

I tried a few different discs but with no luck so I replaced the DVD drive with the CD drive it initially took the place of (i.e. a cd drive that was working perfectly but removed out of tidiness). The problem is exactly the same with the replacement drive (needless to say I didnt try the DVDs with this test, just the CDs).

I'm guessing the problem lies somewhere in Windows, with the cabling or with the motherboard.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

go into device manager and see if you are using the generic drivers for it, if you are download the current drivers and delete the dvd/ drive from the device manager.
once you have done this reboot and once the O/S as found the hardware select the driver you have got for it and not the generic one and install that one.

there are many ways into solving these problems like choose a different IDE cable, is it master or slave on IDE2?

firmware updates?

Hope this is of any help/