1. If you don't have a problem, you don't need a firmware update.
2. If the firmware update fails for one of several reasons, you may be left
with a drive that is unusable. Firmware utilities may or may not allow you
to return to the older firmware version. (Vendor and model dependent)
3. A CD/DVD drive firmware update is similar to a BIOS firmware update,
although the process is somewhat simpler.
4. If the drive is a USB interfaced drive, it should be connected directly,
not thru a Hub.
5. In a few instances, usually involving OEM drives labeled with other mfrs
or distributor logo's, the actual drive P/N may not match the vendors P/N.
Even OEM's such as Sony have been known to do this. This complicates the
process of determining the correct firmware update.
6. In some cases, it is possible to obtain alternate firmware that is for an
OEM model other than the original, or "patched".
(At one time, a common patch was for "region free" use, or to "rollback"
region selection.)