dvd 9 media

Jun 29, 2005
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hello we have a sony dku-720a dvd writer and a few times it has asked for dvd 9 media we thought it was after the discs so we bought one but now it seems it wants actual software. Does anyone know where to get it from or what it is even? If you can help that would be great thanks
Definition of DVD9 from webopedia:

DVD9 Last modified: Wednesday, August 04, 2004

(pronounced as separate letters) (n.) A single-sided, dual-layer DVD that can hold 8.54GB (or fours hours) of audio and video data. It should be noted that DVD-RW and DVD+RW do not support DVD9.

Hope this helps
DVD9 is a Dual layer DVD disk twice the capacity of a standard DVD disk...
dvd 9

we are using nero reloaded at the moment, fully updated. And Ricoh double layer 8.5 gb disc but when we tried to use the disc it told us we needed dvd 9 media and wouldn't let us go any further until we had it. Hope this helps.