And what does the Device Manager say about the IEEE1394 Bus Controller?
Do you have it disabled under the 1394 Net Adapter entry?
Is this is KNOWN GOOD 1394 cable? A KNOWN GOOD PCI card? Does the digital
camcorder work correctly on OTHER PCs? Do other firewire devices work
correctly with the PCI card?
Is the firewire port on the motherboard? If so does it have the correct
motherboard drivers installed? Is it perhaps connected to a soundcard like
the Soundblaster Audigy? Part of an ATI graphics card?
If you provide more information, I can assist further. No info from you
and I'm very limited as to what I can suggest. Help me to help you!
(and you might be surprised how many cables are bad)
Gilly3000 said:
Give me a little more credit than that. I read a few of your other
responses and they similarly lame. Skip the "is it on" response. I'm
having a hardward problem that goes a little beyond "is it turned on". I
should probably say thanks for the effort but I'm not.