Well, after a couple of weeks of scanning with my new scanners, I wish
I had the negatives for all my family pictures. The ICE in the Nikon
works extremely well, just about getting rid of any sign of dust. But
despite lots of cleaning and dusting with both dust free pads and a
photo brush before scanning, the photo's I'm scanning on the Epson
4870 still have lots of dust spots, especially when I try to enlarge
them. The ICE makes very little difference on photo's, although it
does work moderately well when I use the Epson for medium frame
Anybody have any magic ideas?
I had the negatives for all my family pictures. The ICE in the Nikon
works extremely well, just about getting rid of any sign of dust. But
despite lots of cleaning and dusting with both dust free pads and a
photo brush before scanning, the photo's I'm scanning on the Epson
4870 still have lots of dust spots, especially when I try to enlarge
them. The ICE makes very little difference on photo's, although it
does work moderately well when I use the Epson for medium frame
Anybody have any magic ideas?